DFS Partners LLC specializes in guiding aspiring entrepreneurs, meeting them wherever they are on their journey toward financial independence.
Want to Start
Your Own Business?
DFS Partners LLC can take your business idea from concept to reality. Our services will help you:
Think about the questions to ask yourself (before you give up your day job)
Evaluate start-up costs
Find external financing options
Develop a business plan
Construct revenue, expense, and cash flow projections for external lenders
Set up and manage QuickBooks Online for your company's accounting, invoicing, and reporting
Take professional photographs of you and your products
Recommend best-of-breed technology solutions that fit best for your business
Our experience with small business development, from concept to start-up to growth stage, provides entrepreneurs with the knowledge and resources to improve their odds of success.
Obtain an Independent and Objective Business Review
Already started your own small business? DFS Partners LLC brings multiple decades of experience in reviewing and analyzing existing businesses.
Here are some examples of services we offer to business owners:
360-degree review of financial statements
Evaluate profitability and effectiveness of existing product and services offerings
Find cost-cutting opportunities
Improve go-to-market and content marketing strategy
Audit all existing technology solutions and offer recommendations
Learn how our experience can help you improve your business prospects.